The second episode of our Leading Communities Podcast came packed with insights about health and behaviour, particularly on motivating communities to engage with these issues. Clinical Psychologist Alison Trout and GP Dr Kiran Sodha joined Kit (Director of Aspire4u) on behalf of Kate Walker, Steps to Your Healthy Future. Marieanne Delaney of iDeal Directions Marketing presented with That’s All Media CIC as the host.
Our community-inspired podcast explores issues raised by passionate people of the West Midlands. We share cutting edge guidance about health and behaviour from proven leaders.
Episode highlights:
- Organisations need to engage communities and help them understand how particular health problems can affect them. This is because at present there is a lack of information, leading to problems becoming serious and even dangerous.
- To combat this, organisations must do grassroots work to engage residents. For example, through activities and events, using spaces they are comfortable in.
- The discussion moved onto mindsets. In particular, how long it takes to build rapport. In fact, the development of successful campaigns depends on the context and how much trust a community has for an organisation. For example, when there is limited time, focus groups may be needed to help engagement. Furthermore, cultural backgrounds and gender are also factors that contribute to the amount of time taken to build rapport.
- So to bring about health-related behavioural changes, you must keep the focus on the motivation of people. Change the environment to bring about behavioural change. Target belief systems too for successful interventions.
Who Is This Podcast For?
- For community leaders who are looking to gain practical knowledge around health and behaviour and how to engage communities, this podcast is a great starting point to set you on the right track.
Listen to Episode 2 here! If you have more insights on motivating communities around health and behaviour contact us here.
For Aspire4u CIC,
The Mindset-Led Organisation
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We are a not for profit community engagement organisation. We use the arts to develop mindsets to improve well-being, foster financial literacy and give people employability skills.
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