The city’s biggest creative arts festival is coming back to the centre of Birmingham!



Birmingham Weekender hosts a range of social activities to appeal to the local community


Birmingham Weekender is returning back to our glorious city and they need your help to make the event an astounding success! They are on the lookout for volunteers to assist in the smooth running of the event.


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Birmingham poet Amerah Seleh working with SAMPAD arts at the Birmingham Weekender

The three-day festival will take place on the 22nd – 24th September 2017. It’s promised to be a weekend of new, emerging talent and stimulating performances. The festival surrounds artistic and culinary outlets such as:

  • Dance
  • Music
  • Street theatre
  • Family fun activities
  • Food
  • Inspirational talks for midland-based creatives

This is a chance for some of our home-grown talent to shine and be recognised for their innovative gifts.


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Birmingham Weekender has street theatre and musical performances


So, if you are an arts enthusiast, quirky and have a willingness to help: Birmingham Weekender needs you! If you’re interested, please fill in the registration form here .  All potential volunteers are invited to a drop-in session on Tuesday 22nd August 2017 at The John Lewis Community Hub from 5-7pm. This will give applicants a chance to find out more information about volunteering with the festival.


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The festival will bring creatives together for three days of artistic appreciation


This is an amazing opportunity for all those who want experience in creative events and organisations. Regardless of your background – Birmingham Weekender welcomes all.


Written by Ashlee E L Roberts

For Aspire4U CIC,
The Mindset Lead Organisation

Click here to read more of our blogs.

We are a not for profit community engagement organisation that uses the arts to develop mindsets towards well-being, financial literacy, & employability.

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