
Aspire4u are proudly supporting Simmer Down Festival 2017!

By 07/05/2017April 8th, 2019No Comments

We’ve partnered with Simmer Down Festival CIC to make their return to Handsworth Park the most successful year yet. Our big collaboration for 2017, Aspire4U are managing a stage featuring local artists and homegrown talent. We are sharing our business development knowledge and using our network to spread the word and bring in human resources. 

Simmer Down Festival is a free Reggae and World Music day for families, celebrating the range of cultures thriving in Handsworth and wider Birmingham. The event is not for profit, with the aim of strengthening community ties through cultural exchange.

We have a number of great opportunities for young people to get involved in the festival and gain great events and work experience with us. If you believe your students may be interested in joining us on the day, either as volunteer stewards or as local performers, please get in touch with us on 0121 622 3606 or email

Volunteers needed to steward the event

Please note that all volunteers must be over 18 by July 23rd.

From Aspire4U CIC,
The Mindset Lead Organisation

Click here to read more of our blogs.

We are a not for profit community engagement organisation that uses the arts to develop mindsets towards well-being, financial literacy, & employability.

Get Involved! Contact to discuss our current opportunities.

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