Chris Green Media – The Masters of Communication


Being a creative entrepreneur is tough.



From university halls to community centre classes; creatives are taught to perfect their craft, and in return, they’ll be equipped to run their own organization based on their art.

Whilst studying your passion is vital for success, it only equates to 50% of entrepreneurship. Many creatives fail to master media and interpersonal skills, which are needed to maintain a company, online and in the real world.

However – what if there was a programme that helped businesses understand the tremendous benefits of social media; strengthened presentation and planning skills and shaped raw creatives into outstanding entrepreneurs?

Fortunately, there is such a business out there.

Its name? Chris Green Media


Stepping into a CGM session sheds away the corporate nature of business studies.

On arrival, it feels more like a gathering of old friends; conveying their business experiences through subtle sips of warm coffee (or tea, if you prefer)

Once acquaintances have been made, the session kicks into swing. Like a mirror of transformation, participants will look at their businesses (and themselves) through an unfiltered lens.

Whether you are an established media mogul or in the beginning stages of testing your ideas: there is always room for improvement. However, under the guidance of Chris Green, he will transform your original reflection into a communicative and entrepreneurial success.


With over 20 years of journalistic experience, his media sagacity is profound. His ethos “To communicate better by connecting deeper” is replicated within each of his session topics. His last class, held at the Longbridge Innovation Centre, was based on Image and Reputation.

As a creative, it was refreshing to view business in a humanistic way. Marrying communication with honesty, flexibility with authenticity and viewing a business as an extension of an individual.



“Our skilled, expert and award-winning team can raise your profile and reputation by enabling you to communicate with clarity, vision and purpose”



In short, Chris Green Media breaks down sustainable social media and  business techniques into bite-size, Buzzfeed chunks.

No lectures.

No exams.

Just knowledge, nurturing and navigation towards a better you.


Written by Ashlee E L Roberts

From Aspire4U CIC,
The Mindset Lead Organisation

Click here to read more of our blogs.

We are a not for profit community engagement organisation that uses the arts to develop mindsets towards well-being, financial literacy, & employability.

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